Envision Greenwise Delegation Visit Huawei Headquarters
Published on:2023-02-22 10:00

On 21st February, the delegation from Envision Greenwise Holdings Limited ("Envision Greenwise Group", formerly known as "Golden Ponder Holdings Limited") visited the headquarters of Huawei in Shenzhen, China. Both companies exchanged views on digital energy and EV charging business, and explored the future co-operation opportunities together.

The General Manager of Huabei Charging Business Mr. Kuang welcomed the delegation and guided the delegates to visit the exhibition hall of Huabei Digital Energy in Antuo Hill. The Vice President of Charging Network Sales & Service Department introduced Huawei's digital energy strategy blueprint, including the development of clean power generation, energy digitisation, and transport electrification. The delegation then moved to Huabei's Bantian headquarters to visit the super charging facilities and discussed with the relevant team, focusing on the trend and development of the electrification of transportation in Mainland and Hong Kong, as well as the enhancement strategy for existing charging business. Both parties expressed their anticipation of the opportunity to work together in developing the new energy market in Hong Kong in the future.